Study region


Study region

The field work will be performed in the Cosñipata and Marcapata region in the Andes of south-eastern Peru. The study region runs from the Amazonian lowland forests to the high Andean mountain forests, covering a completely forested elevation gradient of >3000 m. The area, adjacent to the Manú National Park, is among the most species-rich in the world and of outstanding importance for biodiversity conservation.

The ANDIV project will assess biodiversity and species-interaction data on 30 study sites running from 250 to 3360 m elevation. Well-equipped research stations and lodges will be used as basecamps. 



ANDIV aims to investigate patterns and drivers of diversity, functional traits and microbiomes of insects along a complete elevational gradient using a combination of established and cutting-edge methods. This will include:

  • Assessment of biodiversity and biomass of the whole Holometabola along climatic gradients using a rapid assessment protocol based on DNA metabarcoding.
  • A detailed analysis of model taxa involving experiments, measurements of functional traits and of biotic interactions; the expected huge diversity with many undescribed species will be assessed by a combination of DNA barcoding using Sequel-sequencing technology and by involving taxonomic experts.
  • For all orders of Holometabola, ANDIV will assess the insect microbiome and its relationships to hosts and the environment.  

Follow Us
  • Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
  • Biocentre, University of Würzburg
  • Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
  • Germany